You know that powerful communication is essential to success - And becoming a powerful communicator doesn’t mean changing who you are. The Leader’s Edge Awards recognize executives who are committed to becoming more of who they are. Nominate yourself or a colleague today.

Inspired Leadership Award

Open to all individuals in leadership positions who truly strive to inspire teams.

An award in this category will be presented to each a C-Suite executive who leads a team of more than 500 people; a middle to upper-level manager; and an individual. For more details or to nominate yourself or a colleague for the Inspired Leadership Award today, click >>here to nominate<<.

Rubicon Award

Open to Speakeasy clients only.

For business leaders who are Speakeasy alumnae, this category rewards the journey you are taking as a business communicator, as you cross from one side of a personal river to another. For more details or to nominate a person for the Rubicon Award, click >>here to nominate<<.